Our Team

Clinical Team - Red

Every patient has a named doctor and is assigned to the Clinical Team to which that doctor belongs. This allows continuity of patient care when named doctors are not available clinically on a given day or week. A member of your clinical team will view any correspondence relating to your care and any test results. If you need telephone advice we will try to ensure that it is a member of your clinical team that you speak to. We would also encourage you to try to make an appointment with one of the doctors from your clinical team for any ongoing health problems.

Dr Sarah Cunningham


GP Partner

Working Days: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Special Interests: Women’s health including contraception and HRT; paediatrics Bio: I went to medical school wanting to be a GP. I specialised as a Generalist and now … [continue] Dr Sarah Cunningham

Dr Mubeen Afzal


GP Partner

Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Friday Bio: I have a special interest in Minor Surgery and provide regular Minor Surgery clinics at the practice. I am passionate about teaching; … [continue] Dr Mubeen Afzal

Dr Shweta Singh

MBChB, DRCOG, DFFP, MRCGP, PG Cert Clin Ed, PG Cert Palliative Care

GP Partner and Children’s Safeguarding Lead for the Practice

Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday Bio: I am a partner and clinical director at the Nelson. I have previously had a Merton CCG and Macmillan GP … [continue] Dr Shweta Singh

Dr Tom Wilson

MBBS(Hons), BSc(Hons), DRCOG, MRCP, MRCGP, PG cert Acute and Urgent care

GP Partner

Working Days: Monday / Wednesday / Thursday Special Interests: Care of the elderly and general medicine, acute care and urgent care Bio: I have undertaken qualifications in both general practice … [continue] Dr Tom Wilson

Dr Matthew Davis



Working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Having grown up locally, following a degree in Natural Sciences, I returned to London, qualifying from Imperial College School of Medicine in 2003. I completed … [continue] Dr Matthew Davis

Dr Lauren Fleming


Working days: Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Friday

Dr Siva Balasingham



Working hours: Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday After obtaining my MBBS at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka, I went on to gain LRCP and MRCS qualifications in London. I … [continue] Dr Siva Balasingham

Dr Tristan Fletcher


Working days: Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Friday

Dr Nila Mahendran


Working days: Tuesday / Wednesday/ Thursday

Clinical Team - Yellow

Every patient has a named doctor and is assigned to the Clinical Team to which that doctor belongs. This allows continuity of patient care when named doctors are not available clinically on a given day or week. A member of your clinical team will view any correspondence relating to your care and any test results. If you need telephone advice we will try to ensure that it is a member of your clinical team that you speak to. We would also encourage you to try to make an appointment with one of the doctors from your clinical team for any ongoing health problems.

Dr Satish Durgam

MBBS, MRCGP, DFSRH, Post Graduate Diploma in Diabetes (Cardiff University), SCOPE Obesity Certificate (World Obesity Federation), PG Certificate – Med Education (University of Westminster)

GP Partner

Working Days: Monday / Thursday / Friday Special Interests: Diabetes, Obesity, Respiratory Medicine, Teaching Bio: I qualified as a GP in February 2007. I am passionate about health and wellbeing, … [continue] Dr Satish Durgam

Dr Graham J Mason

MB BS London 1986

GP Partner and Children’s Safeguarding Lead for the Practice

Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / alternate Fridays

Dr Laura Jarvie

MBChB. BA (Hons). MRCGP (2017)

GP Partner

Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday (clinical time Mondays and Tuesdays only) Special Interests: lifestyle medicine, women’s health, clinical leadership Bio: I really enjoy the challenge and … [continue] Dr Laura Jarvie

Dr Shama Khan

GP Partner

Working Days: Monday / Wednesday / Friday

Dr Caroline Toyn

BSc, MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG Qualified at Glasgow University 1985

GP Partner and Senior Trainer

Working Days: Wednesday / Thursday / Friday Bio: I completed my training in general practice in 1994. I have worked at the practice since 1999 and am one of the … [continue] Dr Caroline Toyn

Dr Rebecca Gaster

MRCGP (London 2003), JCPTGP, DFFP, DRCOG (London), BM (Southampton)


Working Days: Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday

Dr Yaso Walker

BA (Hons) (Cantab); MA (Cantab); MBBS; MRCGP; DFSRH


Working Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Special Interests: General medicine; Women’s Health; Child Health Bio: I completed my medical training at Cambridge (2001) and St George’s (2004) and General Practice training … [continue] Dr Yaso Walker

Dr Kate Hill


Working days: Monday / Wednesday / Friday

Catherine Sedgwick

R, MSc; BSc (hons); FdSc (distinction)

Physician Associate

Working Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Clinical Team - Green

Every patient has a named doctor and is assigned to the Clinical Team to which that doctor belongs. This allows continuity of patient care when named doctors are not available clinically on a given day or week. A member of your clinical team will view any correspondence relating to your care and any test results. If you need telephone advice we will try to ensure that it is a member of your clinical team that you speak to. We would also encourage you to try to make an appointment with one of the doctors from your clinical team for any ongoing health problems.

Dr Andrew Murray

BA, MA (Cantab), BM, BCh(Oxon), DCH, DRCOG, FRCGP

GP Partner

Working Days: Alternate Mondays and Fridays at the Nelson Special Interests: Healthcare system leadership and management; developing world healthcare, education and community development; children and young people’s mental health; population … [continue] Dr Andrew Murray

Dr Peter Hughes

MBBS, MRCGP Kings 1994

GP Partner and Adult’s Safeguarding Lead for the Practice & End of Life Care Lead

Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday Special interest: End of life care I love the variety of general practice. I have worked within Merton as a GP … [continue] Dr Peter Hughes

Dr Sian Coekin

MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG Qualified at the Royal London Hospital 1985

GP Partner

Working Days: Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday

Dr Ramanan Rajamanohara


GP Partner

Working days: Monday, Thursday, Friday Bio: I grew up locally in this area being educated at the Tiffin School and then Guy’s, King’s & St Thomas’s School of Medicine where … [continue] Dr Ramanan Rajamanohara

Dr Sarina Patel


Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday

Dr Colette Olivier

MRCGP, MBchB (2008)


Working Days: Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday

Dr Hana Iqbal


Working Days: Monday / Thursday

Dr Chandrika Srikantha


Working Days: Thursday / Friday

Dr Gemma Napaul



Working Days: Monday / Thursday

Dr Agnieszka Kempny

MBBS (2002), MD, PhD, MRCGP


Emma Horn

Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Pharmacists

Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks. The role is pivotal to improving the quality of care and ensuring patient safety. Having clinical pharmacists in GP practices means that GPs can focus their skills where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with more complex conditions, and ensure patients are seen by the most appropriate healthcare professional.

Clare Thomson

Clinical Pharmacist

Parag Shah

Clinical Pharmacist

Usma Ahmad

Clinical Pharmacist

Nurse Practitioners

What is a nurse practitioner? If you need to be seen for any of the conditions below in The Practice then we recommend you see one of our nurse practitioners. A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has received additional university education to increase their ability to treat, diagnose, counsel and educate patients, who have Minor Illnesses. They can even prescribe. Exclusions: • Under TWO years of age • Pregnant • Severe chest pain or severe difficulty breathing • Having convulsions • Coughing / vomiting blood • Sudden loss of sight • Bleeding profusely from any orifice

Emma Horn

Advanced Practice Nurse

Nursing Team

Barbara Morgan

RGN Diplomas in Asthma Care and Family Planning

Practice Nurse

Elizabeth Seamark

Practice Nurse

Sharon Chadwick

Practice Nurse

Temi Enitan

Practice Nurse

Kim Leung

Healthcare Assistant

Julie Hall

Nursing Team Manager

Sandi Kendall

Practice Nurse

Sadia Siddequi

Practice Nurse

Agnes Monney

Nurse Associate

Physician Associates

A physician associate is a dependent health care professional who has been trained in the medical model and works with supervision of a doctor or surgeon. PAs obtain medical histories, conduct comprehensive physical exams, request and interpret tests, diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and counsel on preventive health care. As in the early days in the United States, PAs in the UK are not able to prescribe medication at this time. PAs are involved in acute medicine as well as chronic disease management. In a GP surgery, PAs see patients of all ages for acute and chronic medical care. PAs can refer patients to other services or to A & E when clinically appropriate. Other duties include home visits, prescription reauthorisation, review of incoming post and laboratory results. Physician associates are an additional health care team member to help the practice reach Quality Outcome Framework targets.

Catherine Sedgwick

PA – R, MSc; BSc (hons); FdSc (distinction)

Physician Associate

Working Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Special Interests: Catherine is passionate about the great outdoors – walking, gardening and cycling. Bio: Catherine has worked within general practice since 2006 and … [continue] Catherine Sedgwick

Allied Health Professionals

Beth Amos

Mental Health Practitioner

Alexandra Kallistratou

First Contact Physiotherapist

Matthew Kilner

LAS Paramedic

Jamie Farrell

LAS Paramedic

Marina Caroli

Social Prescriber

Sally Cregeen

Health and Wellbeing Coach

Working Hours: Monday 2pm to 6pm, Tuesday 7am to 11am and Thursday 8am to 11am

Faiz Khaki

Health and Wellbeing Coach

Working hours: Tuesday 1:30pm to 5.30pm and Friday 7am to 11am

Health Visitors

We have attached Health visitors at the practice who run child health clinics, if you are interested in attending one of these clinics please speak with our Patient Navigators who … [continue] Health Visitors

Executive Management Team

This team meets fortnightly to monitor the performance of the practice and make operational decisions.

Dr Andrew Murray

BA, MA (Cantab), BM, BCh(Oxon), DCH, DRCOG, FRCGP

GP Partner

Dr Laura Jarvie

BA, MBChB, MRCGP (2016) Qualified at University of Leeds 2008

GP Partner and Clinical Director

Dr Peter Hughes

GP Partner and Clinical Director

Dr Tom Wilson

GP Partner and Clinical Director

Carly Pearcey

Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Steve McGuinness

Finance Director

Mandy Sharkey

HR, Training and Workforce Development Manager

Charleen Mullins

Operations Manager (Practice Manager)

Phoebe Victory

Executive Assistant

Patient Care Navigators

Our Patient Care Navigators work to fully understand what your needs are and ensure that we help you with your problem efficiently and conveniently. Their goal is to ensure that you get the right care at the right time in the right place with the right outcome.

Caroline Bygrave

PCN Team Leader

Louisa Cartmell

PCN Team Leader

Becky Strank

Patient Care Navigator

Brooke Law

Patient Care Navigator

Emma Cura

Patient Care Navigator

Genevieve O’Hara

Patient Care Navigator

Harriet Briggs

Patient Care Navigator

Janet McKenna

Patient Care Navigator

Janice Cannon

Patient Care Navigator

Kerry Parvin

Patient Care Navigator

Kara Leahy

Patient Care Navigator

Leanne Dunn

Patient Care Navigator

Linda Godman

Patient Care Navigator

Lisa Towgood

Patient Care Navigator

Louise Ford

Patient Care Navigator

Natalia Palchun

Patient Care Navigator

Vino Anton Arulnesan

Patient Care Navigator

Rachel Cloonan

Patient Care Navigator

Yvonne Brown

Patient Care Navigator

Sophia Bright

Patient Care Navigator

Virginie Berthomiere

Patient Care Navigator

Anisha Ahmedabadi

Patient Care Navigator

Patient Care Co-ordinators

Our Patient Coordinator assists patients with their medical needs. They develop care plans, coordinate patient care services, and work with healthcare providers to ensure patients receive the necessary treatment.

Rebecca James

Quality and Safety Patient Care Co-ordinator

Ade Ogunsola

Patient Care Co-ordinator (Yellow Team)

Sally Fawcett

Patient Care Coordinator (Green Team)

Lauren Hall

Patient Care Coordinator (Red team)

Administrative Team

Karen Sparham

Digital and IT Support

Sharon Afonso

Admin Team Leader

Nicola Leaman


Suzanne Robinson


Vicky Ogun


Sasha Green

Scanning Administrator

Amy Andrews

Scanning Administrator

Aga Wieczorek

Contracts Team Leader

Alan Corbey

Scanning Administrator

Debbie Farley

Scanning Administrator

Indu Gopi

Scanning Administrator

Marvia Lawson

Medical Coder / Summariser

Nadia Rahman

Scanning Administrator

Jay Gopalan

Rota Manager

Sherry Jenkins

GP Assistant

Jodie Lee

Long term conditions patient care co-ordinator

Sylvie Brimson

EOLC / Frailty Patient Care Coordinator

Sofia Ahmed

GP Assistant

Amanda Conti

Admin Team Leader